Dogs Unknown
Skeeter starts off of Little Creek Park Rd, which is a one-way road that loops around to several picnic shelters along the top of a hill, just opposite from where
County Road Trail terminates. The trail enters the tree line almost directly opposite from
County Road Trail near the exit from the driveway for the parking area/shelter that is below the baseball field at the top of the hill.
It meanders through the woods and around several holes of the park's Frisbee golf course. There are a number of footpaths in this area made by Frisbee golfers that you can hike for variety, but the main path is fairly well-traveled.
The trail terminates along Little Creek Park Rd. on the other side of the ridge. The exit of the trail is the only tricky part, as there is a short descent with a water break and a ditch line along the road that must be crossed.
From here, hikers can cross the road and continue on to
Rocky Ridge Trail,
MD40 Loop,
BBQ and others.
Shared By:
Jack Hoblitzell