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A moderate, well-defined, looping hike with some short-distance elevation changes, mostly easy going, great views.

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Point to Point

7,199' 2,194 m


6,995' 2,132 m


238' 73 m


257' 78 m



Avg Grade (3°)


Max Grade (9°)

Dogs Leashed

Features Birding · Fall Colors · Views · Wildflowers · Wildlife

Need to Know

Restroom at Fletcher Canyon Trail Parking area. Eagle's Nest Loop has little tree coverage, mostly directly sunlight.


The trailhead is across the street from the Fletcher Canyon Trail parking area. Begin on Fletcher Canyon Trail which starts out going uphill into the canyon. The trees along the trail are very tall and provide a bit of spotty shade which is welcomed during the heat of summer.

The path is well worn and traveled by many. At about a quarter mile into Fletcher Canyon Trail, a signpost for Eagle's Nest points hikers towards the start of the path on the right which climbs upwards for a short burst. The path here is loose gravel and at a bit steep making the short distance technically easy, but a bit of work for a short burst and maybe a tiny bit intimidating to a novice.

Once at the top of the path, the trail levels out and begins to slightly decline in elevation, giving you an earned break from the moderate start. The trees thin out and the remainder of the loop offers little to no shade, so bring hats, sunscreen, and water. After another quarter mile a sign post marks the beginning of the actual loop and points hikers forward in efforts to hike the loop clockwise. If you went right at the sign post, you would be hiking the loop backwards/counter clockwise. Whichever way you begin the loop, you'll return back here at the sign post once completed.

You'll see a ton a vegetation, flowers, birds, lizards, chipmunks, etc.. The views of nearby mountains and canyons will be pretty spectacular. If you're lucky, you may see some deer, especially if hiking later in the afternoon/early evening. About a mile and a half into your hike (the halfway point), you'll see a great view of the Mt. Charleston hotel, after which, the path circles back towards the start of the loop.

When you return to the start of the loop a signpost will point you back towards Fletcher Canyon Trail which you'll hike back to the parking lot on the same path in which you began. The entire 3 miles should take you about 1 hour.

Flora & Fauna

A ton of vegetation, trees, flowers, birds, lizards, chipmunks, (occasionally deer, mules).

Shared By:

Tony Greenway

Trail Ratings

  4.5 from 2 votes


  4.5 from 2 votes
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Trail Rankings


in Nevada


2 Views Last Month
29 Since May 15, 2022
Intermediate Intermediate



Eagle's Nest Loop, lower loop on the return.
May 15, 2022 near Pahrump, NV
Deep snow makes for a unique experience along the Fletcher Canyon Trail.
Feb 27, 2017 near Pahrump, NV
Start of Eagle's Nest Loop
May 15, 2022 near Pahrump, NV
Eagle's Nest Trail
May 15, 2022 near Pahrump, NV
You can get by with normal boots/shoes on the Fletcher Canyon Trail in late February.
Feb 27, 2017 near Pahrump, NV
Many beautiful snowmelt streams form along the Fletcher Canyon Trail in late February.
Feb 27, 2017 near Pahrump, NV



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May 15, 2022
Tony Greenway
3.1mi — 1h 06m

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