Dogs Unknown
This singletrack begins at the end of the
Cappella san Giovanni gravel road. You'll quickly cross a small stream and then you enjoy about 1.0 km (0.6 mi) of easy flat hiking through the forest.
After that, you've got 4.0 km (2.5 mi) of continuous climbing at just over 10% grade. The trail is a pleasant, "easy" singletrack, except for the steady climb. The base is a nice, soft loamy soil.
The trail ends just south of the Agriturismo Dosso dell'Ora. The agriturismo is a good place for a break where you can enjoy local farm products and refreshments.
There are a couple of other footpaths that intersect with this trail, so a GPX track and/or the
Hiking Project mobile app are essential.
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Lost Justpastnowhere