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gem icon West Thumb Geyser Basin [Suggest Edits]

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While there are many geyser basins within Yellowstone National Park, each has its own character, providing visitors with unique viewpoints and features. The West Thumb Geyser Basin is no different, presenting a myriad of different types of springs, geysers, and pools.

One of the most famous attractions of the area is a smaller hot spring known as Fishing Cone. Though the cone is interesting itself, its history is equally as interesting. Separated by the greater Yellowstone Lake by sinter, the water within Fishing Cone is hot - so hot that one early visitor was able to both catch a fish from Yellowstone Lake and cook it in the spring without moving from where he was standing. The novelty of being able to catch and cook your dinner from the same spot drew many fishermen and women to the area, where the name caught on. While entertaining, the popularity of the activity soon brought concerns for the protection of the small spring, and fishing from the geyser basin is no longer allowed. Instead, enjoy the boardwalk paths, and the incredible beauty found along the banks of the lake.

Though a myriad of springs and pools are located along the Yellowstone Lake, one of the most famous springs that visitors won’t want to miss is the Abyss Pool. From the Fishing Cone, the spring is situated along the same system of boardwalks, so making a side journey to this interesting spring easy. Like Fishing Cone, Abyss Pool has a name that derives from a unique characteristic of the spring. One of the most beautiful features in the park, Abyss Pool is exceptionally deep and exceptionally clear. Objects can easily be seen in the depths of the pool, a cause of wonder for all visitors. This pristine pool is considered one of the most delicate springs in the park and is a worthwhile visit for all.

In addition to these two famous features, pools and springs dot the landscape in the area. There is almost a countless abundance of steaming and bubbling locations to visit.

Short Walk: Easily accessed via boardwalks, the area is easy to access by all visitors.

Family Friendly: A short walk on a flat and easy boardwalk to some of the more interesting features of the basin. Kids will love the imaginative names and history of these pools, springs, and geysers.

Gem Type: Geothermal Hotspot

Shared by:
Mikhaila Redovian


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Shared by Mikhaila Redovian on May 17, 2016. All Page Views: 1,486. Last Month: 3.

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