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gem Favorite Cliff Palace.

Cliff Palace

(17) Towaoc, CO
gem Favorite Balcony House.

Balcony House

(11) Towaoc, CO
gem Favorite Long House, from the end of the trail.

Long House

(5) Towaoc, CO
gem Favorite Petroglyphs on the Mesa Verde Petroglyph Point Trail.

Petroglyph Panel at Petroglyph Point

(11) Towaoc, CO
gem Favorite Coyote Village.

Far View Sites

(12) Cortez, CO
gem Favorite Ancient ruins.

Spruce Tree House

(8) Towaoc, CO
gem Favorite Pueblo Bonito

Pueblo Bonito

(2) Crownpoint, NM
gem Favorite Kin Klesto with my back to the cliff

Kin Klesto

(1) Crownpoint, NM
gem Favorite Pueblo Arrayo

Pueblo del Arroyo

(2) Crownpoint, NM

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