Dogs Leashed
Family Friendly
This is a great section to introduce beginners to singletrack, but is still great for experienced hikers.
Do not hike when muddy. The lake manager regularly posts conditions if muddy on here and on Facebook.
Tall grass is burned in the winter, avoid riding those days. KSS will try to make users aware of these times.
Need to Know
$10 day use fee, $55 Season Pass based on the calendar year.
This trail is a fantastic addition to the south side trails that have been at Santa Fe Lake for 25 years! The combination of dirt access road and singletrack gives an opportunity for a breather between the twisting and turning in each wooded section. Due to camping areas and other lake restrictions, we built all the singletrack we could, but hopefully new trail opportunities will present themselves in the future!
This side of the creek can be accessed from the north side parking lot or by using the low water bridge. The north side is a combination of three pieces of singletrack that are connected by access roads. It's a nice mix of easy trail that has very few obstacles; it's great for beginners and experienced hikers alike.
Shared By:
Andy Cramb