Dogs Unknown
Fall Colors · Historical Significance · Views
Need to Know
There are convenience stores, restaurants, bars, shops, public transportation etc. at the start and end. It's in the middle of metropolitan Seoul.
Take one of the following buses (5516, Gwanak 02, 5511, 5513) to bus stop #21275, which is on the east side of Seoul National University. Hike north and immediately past the quiznos, look right, and you'll see the trail ascending into the trees. The trail takes a turn as you see on the map, then proceeds generally straight up a steep and rocky ridge line towards the summit of Gwanaksan Mountain; Yeonjude Peak (2,031ft). You'll know you are at the peak because there is a large radio relay station, and in good weather there will be people selling ice cream and water on the weekends. From the peak, you can return as you came, or take a slightly more mellow arm of the ridge northeast towards Sadag Station. As you descend, there are signs for Sadang Station.
At a moderate pace with lots of stops, it takes 5 hours hiking, tops. My watch GPS clocked in 6 miles, probably GPS creep during the breaks and scrambling some of the rocky outcroppings along the way. If you like to scramble, there are some little bouldery sections you can use as alternates to the main trail.
Approach shoes with climbing rubber will be more useful than deep lugs, there is a lot of slab hiking, and not much dirt/mud. No water available on the route except for what may or may not be for sale at the summit. To note, there are plenty of small rock climbing crags all over this mountain.
Flora & Fauna
Not much flora and fauna. This is a busy trail, and has a lot of improvements made/being made, such as installing lots of actual stairs. Great for views and exercise.
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Nate D