Dogs Unknown
Need to Know
Not near anything. It's as far out as you can get on this part of Nova Scotia.
Popular with locals, you climb from a gravel parking lot through woods. No views on a (very) foggy day, until you pass a few clefts in the big ridge. Some steeper, rocky sections, but not difficult. At the end of the 4-mile hike, you are at the very tip of the peninsula, out in the middle of the Bay of Fundy. Nearly 360-degree views if it's clear. Lots of vertical drops between big rocks.
Four miles back to the parking lot. When we went, there were dozens of hikers of all ages in the extremely dense fog. Fifty meter visibility or less sometimes. Don't walk off the edge, but keep going "just a bit more" to see the rocks you just walked past.
It can be windy at the end, especially at a couple of ridges.
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Duncan Hughes