Dogs Off-leash
Birding · Fall Colors · Views · Wildflowers · Wildlife
The end of this trail is in the Sawtooth Wilderness. Registration required for through-hike.
Need to Know
Motorcycles are allowed on the center section of this trail between Blue Jay Creek Trail #149 and
Wapiti Creek Trail #160.
From the parking area follow the old road up Ten Mile Creek 0.75 mile to a fork. Stay left and start paying for your attitude, I mean altitude. Over the next 5 miles you'll climb a steady 3400 feet to the ridgeline. After hiking 6.7 miles, you come to the junction of Blue Jay Creek Trail 149 and will find an occasional cyclist or motorcycle to share the views with. You only have to share the trail for about 7 miles.
At 11.7 miles, you come to the junction of Wapiti Creek Trail 160 where most bikes will not venture past. Go another 0.6 mile to the Sawtooth Wilderness Boundary and see no more wheels of any kind as you drop down to the North Fork Boise River Trail with options to follow the Boise headwaters or continue into the wilderness.
Shared By:
Joseph States