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Head from the north section to the south section through fields, over two hills, and along the Musconetcong River.

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Point to Point

1,061' 323 m


466' 142 m


1,383' 422 m


1,071' 327 m



Avg Grade (4°)


Max Grade (20°)

Dogs Leashed

Features Birding · River/Creek · Views


Traverse the entire Point Mountain Reservation encompassing the field, hill, and river trails that make up this area. Start in the north section and climb a hill higher than Point Mountain. Hike along the Musconetcong River and climb Point Mountain in the central section. Finish up in the fields and meadows of the south section.


Point Mountain consists of three sections. Most people only do the Central section, but this hike covers all three.

This Featured Hike is best done as a shuttle hike so two cars are needed. One at the lot on Old Turnpike Rd, (40°47'04.7"N 74°53'32.3"W) and the other at the lot on Mountain Top Rd (40°45'06.1"N 74°54'42.3"W). The drive between them is about 10 minutes.

The route starts at the parking lot off Old Turnpike Rd—head from the parking lot to the fields to the west and follow the North Orange Trail (on map, but not blazed in the fields). Head counterclockwise along the edge of the fields and take the second opening into the field on your right. Continue counterclockwise in this field heading uphill and into a third field. After you do two sides of the field, you'll see at the corner an opening in a rock wall going into the woods. Follow the orange blazes away from the fields to a fork which is the White Trail. Head straight and uphill on the White Trail.

Look for the North Blue Trail on the left going uphill. The Blue meets the North Red Trail at an old road. Take the Red Trail to the left, which will cross a huge stone wall. Shortly, you'll intersect with the White Trail again. Take it to the left and follow it to the top (1000 foot elevation, but no view due to the trees), before following it downhill.

At the bottom of the hill, you'll cross Penwell Rd and enter the Central section. The White Trail reenters the woods to the left. Continue on White Trail and cross Beatty's Brook. Continue on White Trail until you meet the Orange Trail intersection. Take it to the right and downhill to the fields. Stay on the edge of the field (clockwise) heading downhill until you meet Blue Trail (AKA Riverwalk Trail). Follow Blue Trail into the woods and along the Musconetcong River—make sure to take the section closest to the river. Eventually, you'll come to the road by an old iron bridge. Head away from the river to the parking lot. Take the Blue Trail (AKA Riverwalk Trail) into the woods until you intersect the Orange Trail.

Take the Orange Trail uphill. You are now climbing Point Mountain—about 450-foot elevation gain in half a mile. At the top, there is a beautiful view to the north.

From the top, head down the backside and find the Yellow Trail. Take the it to the road (Point Mountain Road). Just before the road there is a fork - take the right branch. There was a huge tree covering the trail at this point so carefully make your way down to the road. Find the yellow blaze on the tree across the road.

You are now in the south section of Point Mountain. Follow the Yellow Trail until you intersect the White Trail. Take it to the right. Eventually you'll come to open fields with the parking lot at the end.


Shared By:

Charles Behnken

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  3.7 from 3 votes


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in New Jersey


2 Views Last Month
1,021 Since Feb 4, 2018
Intermediate/Difficult Intermediate/Difficult



the end of the blue trail and the turn of the orange trail
Sep 26, 2017 near Washington, NJ


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Apr 2, 2020
Kristen Marie
7mi — 2h 30m
Mar 26, 2020
Stephan Tarnawsky
Started out orange did first mountain then point mountain,crossed roadway and headed to top,turned around and started decent retraced back to fork… 5mi — 2h 30m
Apr 15, 2018
Sarah S
9mi — 5h 00m

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