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Park open 8 a.m. to sunset. There is no fee when parking in the trailhead parking area.
From the parking area, take
Oak Cove Trail 1.6 miles to get to the start of Los Cerritos Trail. A well marked trail fork here points the way to the left/southwest onto Los Cerritos Trail.
At the start of Los Cerritos Trail, unobstructed views of McKean Road in the distance, and the Diablo Range in the far distance can be seen to the northeast. Los Cerritos Trail begins by heading southwest and climbing into the wooded and grass hills of Calero County Park, to get to a ridge top.
About 0.2 miles from
Oak Cove Trail, Los Cerritos Trail reaches the ridge top, and veers left (southeast) to follow the ridge top. This is a grassy ridge with stands of oak and a few buckeye trees. As the trail climbs along the ridge top, it leaves the views of McKean Road and other civilization behind. A gorgeous view of the western end of Calero Reservoir nestled among the wooded and grass hills, can be seen.
Los Cerritos Trail then makes one final short but rather steep climb before ending at
Pena Trail.
Flora & Fauna
Wooded grass hills. Deer.
Shared By:
Joan Pendleton
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