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Emily and Albert Friedrich Wilderness Park is closed Christmas Day and New Years day. After heavy rains, backcountry trails are closed for trail erosion preservation.
This hike combines multiple trails in the Emilie and Albert Friedrich Wilderness Park on the northwest side of San Antonio (Bexar County) to form a pleasant 6.5-mile loop. Prepare to navigate a lot of elevation change as the route traverses rolling terrain and multiple ridgelines. On the
Vista Loop Trail, you'll encounter some rock scrambling as well.
Need to Know
Bring good hiking shoes and plenty of water and sunscreen.
This loop follows much (and in some cases, all) of the following trails at Emilie and Albert Friedrich Wilderness Park to form a long and challenging hike:
Main Loop Trail - About 1.7 miles of mostly shaded trail and a steep climb to the top with some good views of the Texas Hill country.
Juniper Ridge Trail - A short connector trail on a ridgeline.
Fern Del Trail - A short connector trail that climbs the main ridgeline.
Bosque Trail - A forested bottom land trail.
Vista Loop Trail - A one-mile trail that contains a steep climb and involves some limited rock scrambling.
Restoration Way - A 2.9-mile trek through rugged terrain on the back side of the park. Most of the views in Emily and Albert Friedrich Wilderness Park are found on this trail.
Juniper Barrens Trail - A 0.6-mile trail that is relatively flat and shaded.
Water Trail - A 0.3-mile trail that passes an old mill and windmill site.
Flora & Fauna
Live Oak, Texas Mountain Laurel, Mountain Ash, deer, wild boar, squirrels, etc.
Shared By:
Richard White