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Birding · Fall Colors · River/Creek · Views · Waterfall · Wildflowers · Wildlife
Almost all of the trail is within the Buffalo Peaks Wilderness, so please be mindful of wilderness restrictions.
The beginning of this trail (or end depending on which side you start on) is quite steep especially with a pack on. It's pretty much a straight shot to the top of the ridge and after that you'll be in the meadows. Be careful not to go too far off-trail in the meadows because they can be deceivingly marshy at certain times of year, and you'll get your feet all wet.
There are lots of great spots to pitch a tent once you get over the ridge and if you're feeling up to it, this trail leads you right past a great place to bushwhack to the top of West Buffalo Peak. There is no official trail to the top so if that is your goal, you just need to find a good ridge and hike up it.
As you go across the meadows, there can be many small stream crossings (depending on time of year) and you just have to get creative on how to best cross them. Most have narrow sections where you can jump across.
Once you get to the fork with Rich Creek Trail, the signs will direct you to the east and you'll find the remainder of the trail to gradually descend through forests, along streams, and past several interesting rock features. Right before you get to the end, there is one more ridge you have to climb, which can be a nuisance if you're tired. The ridge is covered in beautiful aspens though and it is still very enjoyable.
Shared By:
Joshua Wells