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gem Favorite Sunset from Guadalupe Peak in December, 2022.

Guadalupe Peak Summit (Signal Peak)

(35) Pine Sp…, TX
gem Favorite The Whale: Rock formation in Carlsbad Caverns on the way to the Big Room.

Carlsbad Cavern

(27) Whites…, NM
gem Favorite About halfway up to the top of the canyon - you can see the fall colors around the lower portion of the trail below.

The Notch Viewpoint

(10) Pine Sp…, TX
gem Favorite Dripping Spring

Van Patten's Dripping Springs Resort Ruins

(6) White S…, NM
gem Favorite About as tough as it gets along a trail, the climbing segments on Ron Coleman are fairly easy by bouldering standards, maybe a v1. There are plenty of good holds and a chain to help out.

The Window

(5) El Paso, TX
gem Favorite Slaughter Canyon Cave. Photo Courtesy of the NPS (Pam Cox)

Slaughter Canyon Cave Tour

(3) Whites…, NM
gem Favorite While in a designated wilderness area, Pena Blanca is still accessed by vehicles on a jeep road.

Pena Blanca

(3) Mesquite, NM
gem Favorite View looking north on Anthony Gap Trail before arriving at cave.

Anthony Gap Cave

(4) Anthony, TX
gem Favorite Nearly half of the Ron Coleman Trail's distance is spent descending back into Fusselman Canyon, which it follows all the way from North Franklin Peak. From up here, the hills of the Lost Dog area (upper left) don't look so tall.

Mammoth Rock

(5) El Paso, TX
gem Favorite Mexican Canyon Railroad Trestle is both beautiful and a feat of engineering.

Mexican Canyon Trestle

(2) La Luz, NM
gem Favorite This is all that's left of the old cabin on the Dog Canyon Trail...

Old Cabin

(2) Boles A…, NM
gem Favorite Guadalupe Mountains, Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Texas, USA

Frijole Ranch

(4) Pine Sp…, TX
gem Favorite La Cueva Rock Area

La Cueva

(5) White S…, NM

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